DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PARTNERSHIPPlease note that this section must be completed jointly by all institutions participating in
the Partnership and must be identical in each copy submitted to each National Agency.
SUMMARYSummary of the planned Partnership. This description may be used by the European Commission
and/or the National Agency when providing information on selected projects, so please be clear and
precise and do not exceed 200 words.
These are the goals of DIGS: 1)arouse students' creativity through digital photography 2)motivate
them to language learning and to a creative use of ICT 3)make them acquainted with the culture of
other European countries in order to pave the way for a broader European integration. All partner
schools have found this view interesting as it joins modern technologies of communication and
digital photography with topics taken from everyday life: nature, local area, hi story, people etc.
Beneficiaries will learn that through digital pictures they can express their feelings and thoughts
thus enhancing the learning process. The participants will work together in each school and
between schools through mails, instant messaging and videoconferences, besides personal
meetings during transnational visits. A positive side effect would be that of getting the students to
include the project in their own cyber world community (facebook, myspace etc). The final
products of the project are online photo-albums with photographs taken by students from each
school, exhibitions of photos organized in each school at the end of the first and the second year,
a calendar with the important festivals of all partner schools, and four billboards with the best
photos to be placed permanently in each school
CONTEXTaWhat is the general context of
each institution involved in the proposed Partnership? Is there aspecific context as for example: Are the institutions in disadvantaged areas? Do the institutions
have pupils, staff or other groups with specific needs, e.g. pupils at risk of social exclusion, pupils
with special needs, migrants, refugees? If so, please explain.
a) The Italian school is located in a semi rural area (the Mugello Valley) some 30 km from
Florence. Despite being near a world famous and culturally renowned town, the Mugello, still has
some traits of a backward area with lower incomes and lower cultural titles than other areas of
Tuscany and centre-north Italy. It is essential that our school take part in Eu projects as they are,
for most kids the sole opportunity to broaden their minds and to get into contact with people from
other countries. a) the Polish school is situated in a rural region. The village itself is located in the
suburbs of a town. there are many unemployed people and a lot of the students live in poor
conditions. However, our teachers make their best to educate and motivate the students, who
achieve very good results in knowledge competitions in our Podkarpackie Province. Taking part in
EU projects will be highly benefiacial for the students' achievements and motivation to learn a) the
Turkish School is located in the outskirts of Istanbul. It is a small general secondary school with
students ranging from 15 to 18. They have to sit for a university entrance when they are in 12th
grade. Joining a EU is the only way for most of them to have a possibility to go abroad. It's the
first time they take part in a EU project and are really motivated to work on digital photography a)
the French scool is located in Betton, a small town near Rennes in Brittany. Even though in the
area there isn't particular evidence of social exclusion, the school wishes to give its students a
wider EU outlook thus paving the way to a thorough future social inclusion b) All project
participants will benefit from this international cooperation by enlarging their knowledge about
other European countries learning about their traditions and their culture. The project will help to
develop language skills, positive attitudes towards cultural differences, prompt students to look
for different means of expression enhancing their creative skills and implement modern
communication and information technologies in particular those related to digital photography,
picture editing and video-instant messaging. The participating schools will also benefit on the
pedagogical level as the project involves the engagement of teachers of various subjects
(interdisciplinary approach); the inclusion of the project into the classroom activities (educational
program); the creation of a positive image and promotion of each school within the local
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OBJECTIVES OF THE PARTNERSHIP- What are the concrete objectives of the partnership?
- Explain what subjects or problems you intend to address.
- What approach will you take to achieve your objectives?
The objectives of the partnership are:
- the improvement of language skills both for students and teachers taking part in the project;
- the improvement of the students' creative skills;
- the improvement of the students’ knowledge concerning the culture of their region and the
culture of other countries and of specific regions in those countries;
- the development of a European social awareness through the contact with peers from partner
- the improvement of skills concerning the use of modern computer technologies and
communication (e-mails, the use of a digital cameras, scanners and computer programs, videoinstant
messaging etc.)
- acquiring the specific knowledge concerning digital photography: its basic rules, specific advanced
developments, computer software used for photo editing, printing techniques etc.
We aim at addressing 7 subjects during the 2-year project work. The photographs during the first
year will cover the following fields: a) school life b)my region (sights and landscapes with highlights
of the world of plants and animals typical of each region) c)the history of my region through
religious and lay buildings and pictures of handicrafts and old trades; the photographs during the
second year will cover the following fields d)macro-photography (photos of small insects, plant
tissues, blooms) e)the four seasons of the year in each country (natural views and folklore
combined with the 4 natural elements water, wind, earth, fire and other meteorological phenomena
e.g. rain, storm, lightening, hail, snow) f)our hobbies, g) religion (buildings and traditions)
All partner schools will include the elements of the project in the school curriculum (especially
history, geography, biology, English and religion), in order to involve a greater number of students
and teachers in the project realization and to make the learning process a more meaningful event.
Moreover, special meetings will be organized for students and teachers belonging to the project
group. During the meetings the participants will discuss further tasks, set the details, choose and
edit the photos, learn about photography through lectures or meetings with professional
photographers and visit photo exhibitions within the country (these activities will be carried out
jointly with the associated partners where present). They will also have the opportunity to meet
with partners from other schools during online chat or videoconferencing session .
Please explain the distribution of tasks between participating institutions and the competences
required from each of them. Also explain how you will ensure the active involvement of all partners
in common partnership activities.
Each partner school will have to select the project group at the beginning of the project
implementation, set the time allotted for each activity and find the human resources to work in the
project. Participants will monitor and evaluate activities to complete them by their deadlines.
During the realisation of each topic the partner schools will have to fulfil the following tasks:
- discuss the topic with the students, provide them with necessary knowledge to understand the
topic well;
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- divide them into small groups, or sometimes order individual work;
- students take photographs and download them onto the computers;
- analyze all photographs taken by students and choose the best ones during the project meeting;
- edit the chosen photographs using computer programs;
- discuss the work in transnational video chat sessions and possibly re-edit some photograps or
take more according to the feedback from the students of other schools
- provide the title of the photo in the mother language, and name of the person who took it;
- translate the title into English, e.g. during English classes;
- provide longer captions to the pictures so as to explain especially more general topics related to
history, geography, biology, art and religion. These brief reports will be provided in English and in
all the other languages of the partnership)
- send the photos to the school responsible for updating the website dedicated to the project and to
other partner schools.
The Polish school reminds the deadline for each subject and contacts the responsible teachers
and/or students to monitor the realisation of the project.
The Italian coordinating school prepares the Internet website(only first year), where all photos
from each school will be collected in one photo-album divided into topics, and also news concerning
the project will be pasted.
The Turkish and French schools will make sure contacts between students of different schools are
taken on a regular basis. All the partner schools will be responsible for writing news, summaries
from the visits and other information which will be placed on the Internet.
During the first year visits, a decision will be taken concerning the school responsible for updating
the website in the second and final year and checking that the final products will be displayed and
the result duly processed and disseminated. In the final year the coordinating Italian school will
remind the deadline for each subject and will contact the responsible teachers and/or students to
monitor the realisation of the project. Other distributions of tasks for the second year will be
decided during the first transnational meeting in Turkey (October 2010)
COOPERATION AND COMMUNICATIONPlease explain how effective cooperation and communication between participating institutions will
be organised.
Effective cooperation will be ensured by naming responsibles (both teachers and students). Each
responsible will communicate with his/her counterpart(s) using e-mail, instant messaging,
videochat, phone etc. Each school will see that teaching staff be able to concentrate on the project
and that teachers of different subjects will work on the project. There will be special online chat
sessions organised in each participating school, to exchange ideas, monitor work or chit chat with
friends in English. Moreover, the teachers from the Polish school will assure the flow of
information, by sending e-mails concerning the progress of work in each school.
IMPACT AND EUROPEAN ADDED VALUEWhat impact and benefits of European cooperation do you expect Partnership activities to have on
persons (pupils and staff) and on the participating institutions?
Students will greatly benefit form the project for various reasons: 1)they will get technical
expertise on digital photography and will enhance their creative skills boosting at the same time
motivation for the learning process 2)they will experience the benefits of teamwork and peer to
peer education thus paving the way to a new learning environment 3)they will get in touch with
different EU countries learning about their history, geography and traditions thus easing the way
into a new European identity. Teachers and staff will learn new ways of tackling the
teaching/learning process more based on monitoring, encouraging and sharing than on the
traditional teacher-centred approach. Teachers and staff will also benefit from what stated in point
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3 above. The institutions in general will broaden their scope and mission fostering innovation and
creativity and getting ready to wear a mature Eu identity.
RELEVANCE FOR THE OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMMEPlease tick in the table below, the objectives of the Comenius programme that
your Partnership will address, in addition to the first two (if any – leave blank if
X To improve the quality and to increase the volume of mobility involving pupils and educational staff in
different Member States (COM-OpObj-1)
X To improve the quality and to increase the volume of partnerships between schools in different
Member States, so as to involve at least 3 million pupils in joint educational activities during the
period of the programme (COM-OpObj-2)
To encourage the learning of modern foreign languages (COM-OpObj-3)
To support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice inlifelong learning (COM-OpObj-4)
To enhance the quality and European dimension of teacher training (COM-OpObj-5)
To support improvements in pedagogical approaches and school management (COM-OpObj-6)5.8
EVALUATIONHow will you evaluate, during and after the Partnership, whether the aims of the partnership have
been met and the expected impact has been achieved?
The evaluation of the success of the aims of the partnership will be carried out through the various
steps of the project. 1) the transnational project meetings are also a way to evaluate and possibly
correct what has already been achieved. 2) The constant communication between students and
staff of the 4 different countries will also subject the project to a continuous form of evaluation. 3)
At the end of each year there will be feedback from within the school and the local communities
which will serve as a further assessment of the project. 4) The final evaluation will materialize in
the form of reports and evaluation sheets/questionnaires distributed to staff, students and families.
5) the fact that students will possibly include the project in their personal pages within wider web
communities will be also considered as a form of evaluation of DIGS
ACTIVE INVOLVEMENTIf your partnership focuses mainly on pupil involvement, please explain to what extent they will be
involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of project activities.
If your partnership mainly deals with pedagogical or management issues, please explain how all
relevant staff will be actively involved in planning, implementation and evaluation of project
The students are the most active actors in the project. First of all the project planning derives to a
certain extent directly from the suggestions made by our students concerning exploring new ways
of learning and increase motivation in ordinary school work and the partnership has been formed
by grouping schools sharing the same learning ideals, ideas and practical goals. Students once get
acquainted with the overall aims of the project and after getting some formal training in digital
photography will have free reins to express their views and feelings and will also be involved in the
implementation of the various activities involved including ongoing and final evaluation. They will
be in charge with completing the topics with suitable pictures, edit them, sharing information with
their foreign peers, update the photo-album on the web site and even organizing the dissemination
not least by personally including the project in their own online data store/sharing facilities such as
facebook, mayspace, netlog etc
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If the project focuses on pupil involvement, please explain how the project will be integrated into
the curriculum / learning activities of the participating pupils in each of the participating
And/or If your partnership mainly deals with pedagogical or management issues, please explain how the
project will be integrated into the ongoing activities of the participating organisations.
It is planned to integrate into the curriculum the following elements of the project in each school:
computer classes – the learning of the software used to photo editing, the information exchange
between the partner schools, communication between the students taking part in the exchange,
the construction and functions of a camera; lens, shutter, diaphragm and pixels – what are they
and how they work; English – the improvement of language skills, the translation of all necessary
texts connected with the project and the communication between partner schools through chat
sessions; Art classes – acquiring of the knowledge about photography, preparation of the layout of
the calendar, coloured and sepia photos, special effects etc; Geography – collecting of information
regarding the most attractive places in local areas as well as in partner countries, the typical
symptoms of seasons of the year in our country; Biology – the environment of each partner
country, the knowledge about the morphology of animals and plants through macro-photography;
History – the information regarding the history of the partner countries and relations between the
countries in the past, the most interesting sights of our country; Physics - lights reflection, how to
measure the angle of incidence of light, Religious Education – the differences between the religions
and the religious buildings and religious traditions of all partner countries. In each school there will
be a special notice board with information concerning partners of the project, progress and photos
from the visits
DISSEMINATION AND USE OF RESULTSHow will you disseminate and use the results, experiences and, where applicable, products of the
- in the participating organisations?
- in the local communities?
- in the wider lifelong learning community?
The online photo-album with links from the schools’ web sites, will be available to the wider lifelong
learning community and will serve as a great material to get the knowledge of the four countries
and some other aspects of life. Each partner school will organize two exhibitions, each one at the
end of each project year. The second one will somehow sum up the project and will be a good
opportunity to show its results to local community, and other invited guests (other schools,
authorities etc). We will also try to have the exhibitions in showrooms in town thus reaching a
wider audience. Photographs taken by students may also be used during lessons by the teachers,
e.g. while teaching the history of the region, the environment etc.) There will be in each school a
selected area for the exhibition of the billboards and calendars from other countries as well as to
paste meaningful information about the project. Schools web sites and local media (newspapers,
radio and tv) will be used to voice initiatives related to the project (e.g. transnational meetings,
exhibitions etc). Teachers will take special care at prompting students to further disseminate the
project through the students’ own pages of community-sharing data as already hinted at in several
parts of the form