In German


Die Erfahrung, eine deutsche Schule zu besuchen, erlaubt zwei verschiedene Wirklichkeiten zu vergleichen. Wir haben viele Unterschiede bemerkt, wie zum Beispiel, dass die Schüler aufstehen, um den Lehrer laut zu begrüßen. In der Klasse haben sie Lautsprecher, die die Stimme des Direktors und den Schulgong senden. Die Unterrichten fangen früher als bei uns, um 7:45, an. In jeder Klasse sind ein Computer, ein Waschbecken und eine Tafel, die man bewegen und öffnen kann. Die Schule hat eine Küche, wo die Schüler kochen können. Die Einrichtung ist sehr praktisch.

Alles ist sehr sauber und sie haben nur einen Hausmeister. In dem Schulhof dürfen sie nicht rauchen.


Wie können wir unsere Schule verbessern? Helfen diese Projekte?

Diese Projekte können die Schüler, durch die Vergleichung mit anderen Jungen helfen, um ihre Schulleben zu treten. Wir können unsere Fehlern mit dem Muster des anderes verbessern.


In English
Our experience in Schwandorf: positive and negative things of Konrad Max Kunz Realschule


 1- There are very clean and tidy classrooms and toilets

 2- There is modern forniture in all the classrooms (blackboards, desks, chairs, big windows, cupboards, computers, projectors…)

 3- There are washbasines, soap, mirrors etc. in each classroom

 4- There’s a big variety of laboratories

 5- There isn’t a gate, so everybody can go out during the break

 6- There is a speaker in each classroom, so the headmaster can speak to the students during the lessons

 7- The headmaster has to teach with the deputymaster some subjects to the students

 8- There’s a state-of-the-art kitchen with lots of cookers, dish washers and sinks because the students in the  7th class (which is for us the 3rd year of middle school) learn the basics of cooking and this week they prepare special italian recipes because we were visiting them

 9- On Monday and Tuesday we took part in the lessons in the classrooms of our partners for two periods each day. We all went to music and biology classes. On the day we arrived (Saturday 9th July) we were welcomed by a special party which takes place every year in the school and we found it relly interesting.

Infact in our school we tried to organize similar party a few years ago but it didn’t work maybe because our students are older so they want to have fun on their own (without parents).


The houses and the habits in Schwandorf


The houses in Schwandorf are very big, comfortable, clean and beautiful. They all have well kept gardens with beautiful flowers. The buildings are colorful and the town is full of life. Infact there are pubs, restaurants, shops, discos and many other places of entertainment. During the summer you can enjoy yourself at the beer festivals, where you can drink and eat typical German dishes and drinks. Families that are hosting us are very kind, friendly and open minded.

                                                               In Italian



La vita sociale qua in Germania è molto diversa che da noi. La mia impressione è stata che non abbiano orari fissi per pranzare o cenare. Quando qualcuno ha fame si procura ciò che ha bisogno. Inoltre nei tantissimi pub puoi tranquillamente mangiare un pasto completo, cosa che in Italia non abbiamo. La cosa più “strana” che ho notato sempre riguardo ai bar è che i camerieri vengono a  portare e ritirare il conto e non dobbiamo scomodarci!

Lo stile di vita tedesco impone anche una pulizia di tutti i luoghi, sia pubblici che privati, che a noi tutte ragazze italiane ci ha colpito abituate come siamo, purtroppo, a vivere in un ambiente spesso poco curato.

Concludo aggiungendo che a differenza dell`Italia loro possono fumare ovunque: qualcuno dei nostri corrispondenti tedeschi ci ha detto che all` interno della loro scuola la KMK Realschule c`è addirittura un corridoio per solo fumatori.