Docenti accompagnatori:  M-Miglio – G.Bernabei

Anche quest’anno il Giotto Ulivi ha organizzato una vacanza studio di due settimane nel periodo estivo, cui hanno partecipato 28 studenti, provenienti da tutte le classi e gli indirizzi della scuola. La scuola di inglese presso cui si è svolta la vacanza studio, Experience English, ha seguito gli studenti nelle attività di conversazione, nelle escursioni pomeridiane e nelle attività serali.

   Ecco il programma delle attività svolte (in coda piccola galleria foto): 


Morning activities

Afternoon activities

Evening activities


July 20

Departure from Borgo San Lorenzo by coach – arrival at Fiumicino airport and departure for Manchester -   

Departure from Manchester by coach – arrival in York  - meeting the students’ host families

Dinner and evening  with the families

July 21

Entry test at the school and English class

Orientation tour of York city center

Dinner and evening  with the families

July 22

9.15 /12.45 English class

The Yorvick experience: visiting a Viking village

Dinner at home and line dancing

July 23

9.15 /12.45 English class

Visit to Eden Camp – modern history theme museum

Dinner and evening  with the families

July 24

9.15 /12.45 English class

York Minster: guided tour of York’s cathedral

Dinner and evening  with the families

July 25

9.15 /12.45 English class

Playing sports at the local park

Dinner at home and cinema

July 26

9.15 /12.45 English class

One-day trip to the Lake District

Dinner and evening  with the families

July 27

Departure from York by coach

Arrival in Edinburgh – meeting the students’ host families

Dinner and evening  with the families

July 28

Entry test at the school and English class

Edinburgh orientation tour

Dinner and evening  with the families

July 29

9.15 /12.45 English class

Visit to the Scottish National History Museum

Dinner at home and disco

July 30

9.15 /12.45 English class

Botanic Gardens

Dinner at home and Ghost Tour in Edinburgh Vaults

July 31

9.15 /12.45 English class

Calton Hill

Dinner at home and traditional Scottish dancing

Aug 1

9.15 /12.45 English class

Visit to Edinburgh Castle

Dinner and evening  with the families

Aug 2

Departure from Edinburgh and arrival at Loch Lomond – boat trip

Departure from Edinburgh airport

Arrival at Bologna airport -  coach to Borgo san Lorenzo