Please note that section C of the application form must be completed jointly by all institutions participating in this project. Please answer on a separate sheet and follow the order of the questions hereafter. The complete description should not exceed 2 pages of text.
1. Which project activities have taken place so far in the school year 2004/05?
Approximate dates |
Activity |
Location (in the case of mobility : from / to) |
08/2004 |
09/2004 |
“Joining Hands” for 5th graders (ongoing activity) “Getting to know each other” –outing for freshmen (3 days) Alternative studying holiday in Ireland based on exploring the countryside and the old celtic traditions besides focussing on the acquisition of the English language Welcome week for Freshmen |
KMK-Schwandorf KMK-Schwandorf Liceo Giotto Ulivi
Liceo Giotto Ulivi |
10/2004 |
Questionnaire regarding parents’ needs and contribution to project (further parents-centered activities may derive from the result of the questionnaire)
Workshop for 1 administrator, 1 teacher, 2 parents “Enhanced communication
skills lead to better understanding” Up-dating website Teachers’ day activities Started landscaping Started creating web-site School contest “What do you know about your school?” |
KMK-Schwandorf Liceo Giotto Ulivi Marijampole Marijampole Marijampole Marijampole |
11/2004 |
Workshop for parents and teachers regarding “Let’s join ideas and
capabilities to improve our school!” Started “Joining hands” Meeting with the poetess |
Marijampole Marijampole |
12/2004 |
Christmas workshop with freshmen (leisure time tutors and parents) AND
Christmas celebration (students for students, teachers, the public) Advent and Christmas activities, New Year’s carnival, trip to Vilnius |
Marijampole |
01/2005 |
Let’s build stronger European links: visit to a high school in England for a
common Leonardo project
Baking class (class offered by parent for parents, students and staff)
Winter outing (8th graders and some teachers) Started decorating school interior |
Liceo Giotto Ulivi
KMK-Schwandorf KMK-Schwandorf
Marijampole |
2. Which activities are envisaged for the remaining part of the school year 2004/05?
Approximate dates |
Activity |
Place (mobility: going from … to) |
02/2005 |
KMK-teachers visit Liceo scientifico Giotto Ulivi Casual meeting parents-teachers in the evening
Basic digital picture editing for parents and students (class offered by
principal of school in the evening) Working on behalf of the local community: coordinating project for the empowerment of young immigrants of the area Winter sports activities Parents’ conference “Job fair” Creating the web-page (on-going activity) |
KMK-Schwandorf KMK-Schwandorf
Marijampole Marijampole Marijampole Marijampole |
03/2005 |
Presentation of school’s drama club and music groups for school and local community (this may have to be cancelled due to the increased work-load) KMK-teachers visit Marijampoles 5-0ji vidurine mokykla Excursion week (students go on schooltrips within Italy and abroad) More school interior activities (on-going activity) Finishing “Joining hands” |
KMK-Schwandorf Liceo Giotto Ulivi Marijampole Marijampole |
04/2005 |
Parents, students and teachers construct wooden bank around prominent tree
in schoolyard More landscaping |
Marijampole |
05/2005 |
Second meeting with the poetess School day |
Marijampole Marijampole |
06/2005 |
Casual meeting parents-teachers in the evening |
KMK-Schwandorf Liceo Giotto Ulivi |
07/2005 |
Day of “open house” (postponed from May) Photo-gallery of 2004/05 graduates Transnational meeting (2nd half of July) |
KMK-Schwandorf KMK-Schwandorf KMK-Schwandorf (all participating schools meet in Schwandorf, Germany) |
3. Which project activities do you intend to carry out in the course of the school year 2005/06 and what are the expected results thereof?
Konrad-Max-Kunz Realschule, Schwandorf, Germany
The project activities in 2005/06 will focus on slowly and carefully enhance the students’ and parents’ feeling of being bonded to our school. The idea of involving the alumni was too much for KMK in Schwandorf. In order not to overwhelm everybody we are trying to really play everything low-key in 2005/06 (“Quality before Quantity”). In 2005/06 we’ll implement Marijampole’s idea of having a poet/poetess come to our school and also of having members of the school community present their writings. We’re still thinking of implementing yet another project activity from one of the present partner schools, but have not decided yet. Members of the Comenius team at school are planning on participating in the final meeting of all the project partners at Liceo Giotto Ulivi in Borgo San Lorenzo, Italy. KMK would like to evaluate the progress that was made due to the Comenius project with a questionnaire. Apart from trying to get the result published in the local media and putting together a joint activity report on CD there are no other plans to disseminate the experience and end-products.
Liceo Giotto Ulivi, Borgo San Lorenzo, Italia
Our project activities for 2005-2006 , as can be seen from the
table below, have acquired a definite international slant as the main aim of
the project team is that of providing the school community with opportunities to
broaden their views by meeting new colleagues and new fellow students and by
getting acquainted with different school systems and areas related to different
schools. This international effort should also benefit the local community by
strengthening the bond and network of shared goals and tasks. This should also
result in a cross-institutional international taskforce at the level of the
Mugello Valley community (members of associations in the catering and tourist
sector, local policy makers, teachers and students) cooperating for the
launching of a marketing and structural strategy aimed at enhancing quality
tourism and agro-tourism in particular.
Marijampolė Jono Totoraičio Secondary School, Lithuania
The project team will continue landscaping and interior decoration at school and will update and further develop the school web page. Such activities as Teachers’ Day and Advent and Christmas activities were a success in the school year 2004/2005, so we will continue with them. We will also do the “Joining hands” with other classes involved. We will try to transform the German school’s experience while working with parents and will try to create the Teachers’ club, but in electronic version, and we will also use their idea of giving workshops at school for anybody from the school community interested in handicrafts while getting ready for the international symposium in Italy. Besides, we will try to involve the students’ grandparents by organising special days with/for grandparents. There will be drama events for the Fairy tales day and the big School Day.
Our school will organise the Italian language courses for the teachers in order to implement life-long learning and prepare for the international meeting in Borgo San Lorenzo.
There will be all the documentation in paper and digital form collected as well as the school web page with some of it prepared. We will continue updating the project stand at school. We are planning to spread the project experience through the local media. A questionnaire will be prepared and survey performed within the school for evaluation and impact of the project. As we will be preparing a collection of our local handicrafts by the members of the school community to be taken to the symposium, we will first organise a display at school, and it will be open for the school community and local community as well.
Scoala „Ion Simionescu“ , Iasi, Romania
By participating in this Comenius project the team of Scoala “Ion Simionescu” in Iasi, Romania, pursues the goal of providing life skills for their students. In order to broaden the students’ and staff’s horizon towards a greater Europe they would like to identify similarities and differences between the practical activities of the participating schools. Thus the school expects to improve the school community and the staff’s teaching experience. Scoala “Ion Simionescu” would like to have a documentation of all the projects put together in a catalogue. This catalogue could be used as reference by schools in our respective countries or even all over Europe. The activity report could be a practical guidebook for schools that are interested in the one or the other activity tried out at schools participating in this project.
4. Project calendar.
Please summarise in the table below the project activities planned for the school year 2005/06 (which you have described in more detail in answer to question 3 above). The list should cover both the project activities which will take place locally within the various participating institutions and the transnational mobility of staff and pupils to be carried out between the participating institutions.
Approximate dates |
Activity |
Location (in the case of mobility : from / to) |
09/ 2005
Marijampole Ion Simionescu School |
10/ 2005
Marijampole Marijampole
Liceo Giotto Ulivi Ion Simionescu School |
11/ 2005
Liceo Giotto ULivi
12/ 2005
Liceo Giotto ULivi
Ion Simionescu School KMK-Schwandorf Marijampole Marijampole |
01/ 2006
Liceo Giotto Ulivi |
Ion Simionescu School |
Marijampole Marijampole Marijampole
KMK-Schwandorf |
Marijampole |
06/ 2006
Representatives from each country meet in Borgo San Lorenzo ITA |
07/ 2006
From Ion Simionescu School to the Carpatians mountains RO |