11th June 2005
Dear Paolo and the Bulst and Torelli families.
It was so exciting to see the yellow Freedom Aeroplane glide into Palmerston North city Airport, exactly on time. We had the video camera on both doors of the plane. Eventually Leander and Guglielmo emerged and made their way into Customs. It was ages before they came through to where we were waiting for them. The trouble was that Guglielmo had an apple in his luggage. No fruit is allowed to be brought into the country incase it has a moth, or grub or larvae etc inside it. He had forgotten he even had the apple in his luggage. Anyway, he wasn't fined and eventually they joined us. There was lots of excitement with everyone honging and kissing and hugging. We recognized them straight away.  Guglielmo went off with the Bakers and I took Leander to the Stadium to watch Hona's brother play Rugby. Tonight the Blacks are having a special hangi tea for Leander. Tomorrow will be a day of rest and some sight seeing in Palmerston North. I drove Leander around the City square so he could see the park and all the shops and churches. It was easy to talk to him. I didn't realize that he played piano. That will be so good as he will be able to read out the Italian words of expression to my classes. Their exams are next Saturday. It will make learning the big list so much more exciting to hear it pronounced properly.
Well, I shall keep you informed of what they are up to.
One day they will be taken up to Rotorua, 4 hours north, to the Thermal wonderland. There are geysers which gush up into the air, hot pools, boiling mud pools, Maori concert parties etc etc. It is probably the best Tourist Attraction in NZ. Professor Black will be going up to visit some of his Ph.D students in Rotorua.
Leander told me of the dinner he had had with your wife and children and how you had wished him good luck for his journey etc. It is wonderful having your students here. Can hardly believe it all.
If the two families like to send me their email addresses I can keep them in touch with the adventures.  

13th june 2005
Leander and Guglielmo were given a tremendous Welcome this morning at 8.30a.m. They were led on to the Marae by Professor Tai Black and Ryan's mother, Helena Baker. I also walked with them as did Ryan and Hona. Inside the Hall the boys were chanting Haere Mai ( Welcome) 100 times with enormous volume and movements. The whole school was there, all keeping time and chanting at the top of their voices. There were official speeches from Professor Tia Black, the Priest, the Headmaster and the boys were sung to, chanted to and had the Haka performed to them. This was all very moving and emotional. They sang a short verse of the Italian National Anthem. Then they were kissed and hongied by the Staff and senior pupils. Morning Tea Followed. During the morning tea both boys spoke in Italian to you, explaining how they felt about the Welcome. Here it is, in Italian, as a short Video Clip.
They are a HUGE success in our school and have done so much already with the Host Parents. They have spoke to 2 of my Music Classes, giving the correct pronunciation of the list of Italian words my students must learn to enable them to give expression to their Music.  Guglielmo is playing the drums! They will both attend the Choir Competitions on Wednesday, and travel to Wellington on Friday. They will go skiing next week and visit Lake Taupo in the centre of the North Island which is not far from the  Mountains of Ruapehu, Tongariro and Ngauruhoe where "Lord of the Rings" was filmed.
Let me know please, if the Video comes through successfully.
Kind regards to all, especially to the Bulst and Torelli families.
Your sons are absolutely wonderful and enjoying every moment.

16th June 2005
Kia Ora from New Zealand
Leander and Guglielmo have been attending classes and joining in with the Hato Paora boys in all activities.  They have lunch in the big dining room with 240 students and seem to enjoy our food which would not be very different to yours.
Today they travelled to Wellington, a 2 hour journey by car, to the Capital of New Zealand. They would have seen the big ships in the harbour,Parliament Buildings, and Te Papa Museum. They were to spend time with a retired Priest who was the Headmaster of Hato Paora over 30 years ago.  The Nuns were putting on a lovely meal at Lunch time for Hona, Ryan, Leander and Guglielmo. The boys would have enjoyed the journey south  as part of the road is on the sea shore. The road is actually built on the rocks and they may have had a view of the South Island in the far distance. They would have been able to see Kapiti Island, 7 miles out at sea. It is a bird sanctuary.  I am sure they would have had a lovely day.
Yesterday afternoon, they came with us to Palmerston North to the Regent Theatre. This is probably the grandest Theatre in NZ having been restored to its former glory fairly recently. The building would be 70 -80 years old and has wonderful paintings and fresco on the walls, in a Grecian style. However, up stairs the designs are a mixture of Maori and Grecian.  The curtain is golden silk and lifts in scallops, two stories high.
Our boys sang the "Lord's Prayer" in Maori, the Christmas Carol "Silent Night" also in Maori, and a modern song "Burning Bridges" by Curb Mike Congregational. The Choir was very popular. Girls absolutely adore our boys!! All Schools in this area were competing and the competition took all day. I think the Italian boys would have been surprised by the variety of items performed and the great efforts put in by Choir Mistress and Masters.  We have not heard our marks at this stage.
It is hoped that the boys will soon be skiing on Mt Ruapehu and viewing Lake Taupo. Then next weekend Wiremu Tamaki, Chairman of the Board of Governors, is travelling up from Wellington to collect them and take them down to his home. On Saturday they will travel Cook Strait to Picton and return to Palmerston North on the Sunday. 
The Italian boys are really enjoying their stay. They have fitted in perfectly. They laugh a lot and enjoy jokes. They are often asked questions about life in Italy. They read out the lists of Italian dynamics for Music to 3 of my Music Classes. It was great to hear my classes pronouncing the words after Leander and Guglielmo had pronounced them so clearly and precisely. My boys enjoyed becoming "Italian"!
I would like to thank Leander's mother most sincerely for the most beautiful book about the Mugello Valley and the lovely card and message she sent me. I shall value and treasure this book all my life. It is wonderful. Being written in English and Italian is extra special.  We do look forward so much to being in Italy in 3 weeks time.
Kindest regards

22nd June 2005

The boys are at present staying in the Baker's ski hut at Oakune and
spending time on the Mountain. The ski season is just about to  begin so
there might not have been enough snow for skiing, but there are lots of
walks, lifts to take them high up the mountain etc which they could be
The boys will travel to Wellington on Friday, cross to Picton in the
Marlborough Sounds on Saturday morning and return on a different Ferry in
the evening. They will return to us on Sunday. Next weeks plans are below.
Professor Tai Black has sent me these exciting plans and you can see the
wide variety of places the boys will visit on route to Rotorua. They will
have 1 night in Rotorua staying with Hona's Aunty. They will visit the
Thermal wonderlands and have swims in hot pools etc. They will also visit
the wonderful carving school.
The boys are having the most extensive, educational, three weeks in NZ.
Everything has worked wonderfully well and everyone is so happy with all
that has taken place. At the moment Ryan and Hona are working hard in
We are all getting very excited about flying to you.
Kindest regards
----- Original Message -----
From: "Taiarahia Black" <T.Black@massey.ac.nz>
To: <rosalyn.williamson@xtra.co.nz>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:02 AM
Subject: Good morning Whaea

> Whaea my plans for the two boys 29-30 June.

 I have arranged for a meeting with my PhD and Masters students of the
> half of the North Island for the 29-30 June in Rotorua.
> Myself and the boys will leave PN at 10.00am 29 June travel to Waiouru
> visit war museum, then on to Turangi visit Tongariro Trout Centre,some
> lunch and a hot pool swim at D BRETTS Taupo.
> Wednesday evening I will have a session with my students in Rotorua 6-10pm
> and I can drop the boys off at the Polynesian Pools, and perhaps they can
> take in a movie or meal some where, walk around and enjoy the sights of
> down town Rotorua.  We will staying with Shelley's sister in Rotorua
> Wednesday night.
> Thursday 30 June another session with my students 9-12. I will drop the
> boys off at 8.30 am to visit Rotorua Arts and Crafts Centre, they can walk
> over to Whakarewarewa afterwards, then catch a bus or walk into town and I
> can arrange to meet them at an arranged point.
> We will depart Rotorua 30 June 1.30pm as I have a meeting that night at
> 7.00pm at Massey and the 1-5 July I will be teaching a Block Course for
> post graduate students.
> Whaea these are my arrangments for next week.
> Tai

> Professor Taiarahia Black
> Te Putahi-a-Toi
> School of Maori Studies
> Massey University
> Private Bag 11-222
> Palmerston North
> Phone: (06) 350-5799, ext 7458
> Facsimile: (06) 350-5634
> E-Mail: T.Black@massey.ac.nz
> Internet:  www.massey.ac.nz/~wwmaori

25th June 2005

Dear Paolo,
Sorry I was on my computer when you phoned, however it was nice to hear your voice on the answering machine. I phoned back but had difficulty making myself understood. Was I speaking with your brother ? There wasn't anything I needed to say, just to say that everything is fine back here and we are getting so excited. Just hope we are ready by Monday! So much on at school.
The boys will be Farewelled on Friday. They are in Wellington tonight but will come to me tomorrow. We are taking them to a nice Restaurant in Palmerston North tomorrow night. There are lots of NZ sea food delicacies for them to taste. Leander was 17 on Friday and his Mother telephoned him. Both boys are really lovely natured. We have enjoyed them a lot. This time next week they will be well on their way back to Italy. I wonder what they will say to you when they see you.
They said they are sure 2 boys will want to come to NZ next year. It would be good if that was true, then we could arrange to buy our tickets before Christmas when the prices are much cheaper.
Leander said the only reason boys were not quick to say they would come to NZ was because it was such a long way to travel. It will take us 34 hours before we reach you!! Sure is a long way.
The NZ Rugby Team just won against the British/Irish Lions. The rain poured all through and there were some injuries. They all fought so hard. Score was 21 to 3, to NZ. A huge number of British tourists have come to NZ to travel with the Lions. They will be playing in Palmerston North on Tuesday and our boys will go to watch the match.
See you in just over 1 week!! Can't believe it.
----- Original Message -----
From: eurogiotto
To: rosalyn williamson
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 2:00 AM
Subject: Re: Reminder of dates and times for you.

dear Rosalyn,
I've got the schedule for the exams but it seems that I'll have to attend the exams on that morning as well as in the next 3 mornings before our departure for Germany but do not worry Leander and Guglielmo's parents will be there and I'll have them pick you up as well . I'll talk to them. Send just a reminder before you leave. I couldn't speak with the parents because they're probably away on holiday. As an emergency I'll get my wife to come and fetch you.
----- Original Message -----
From: rosalyn williamson
To: Paolo
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 10:31 AM
Subject: Reminder of dates and times for you.

Things are getting very close now, so I thought I'd just send this reminder of times that we are arriving, so you don't have to search back through old emails.
ARRIVING: Peretola Airport at 9.25a.m. on Tuesday, July 5th
We will have flown from Palmerston North on our 4th July, to Auckland, to Singapore( 2 hours 20minutes on the ground there), to Frankfurt, Germany ( Non stop). Arriving in Frankfurt at 5.25a.m. Departing Frankfurt for Florence  at 8.00a.m.  Flying on Lufthansa Flight No: LH4060.  Arriving at 9.25a.m. Non Stop.Tuesday 5th July.

Thank you very much if you can meet Hona, Ryan, my husband Jim and myself there. It will be a relief to see you after flying so far. Could you tell me what your home address is please, in case of emergency.
My husband and I thank you so much for your kind hospitality and offer the same to you and your wife, or any of your children, as they become old enough to travel to New Zealand.

It seems that the weather forecast is bad for Saturday which may mean that Leander and Guglielmo do not cross to the south island. Let us hope for a better forecast!!
They are both fine. Not in the least homesick. Do you know that Guglielmo Bungy Jumped head first, 18 metres into a River Canyon about 1/2 drive north of here. Dear Oh Me. I would not have been able to watch. He loved the flight, he said!!
They have been away 2 days on the Mountains. They may come up here to our Farm on Sunday, then return to P.Nth and have Monday at School before attending the Lions Game in Palmerston North ( Rugby against NZ). Then they have the Rotorua trip, School Friday, and fly home on Saturday!!! How quickly 3 weeks went. Can't believe it all.
Hope all is well back in Italy. I'd love to know what the boys have been telling their parents!  probably haven't told me half!
See you soon.

26th June 2005
Thank you for your email. Sorry I mistook your son for an imaginary brother!!
Leander and Guglielmo had a great trip to the South Island.
The trip over was fairly calm and took 3 hours. Coming back on the night crossing, the sea was very rough and the boat was continually slamming head-on into big waves.  However, all the passengers were totally engrossed in the Lions versus NZ All Black Rugby Match which was being televised at that time. The boys said the passengers were all shouting and yelling at every move the players were making and no one was thinking about the roughness of the sea at all. They were very amused by all the "carry on"!! This morning they returned to School and I picked them up.  They came to our farm for Lunch and I took them further up the highway to a Look Out from which on a fine day one can view the 3 mountains in the central plateau and Mt Taranaki on the western side of the North Island. Unfortunately there was too much cloud to see the mountains but the boys were astounded at the view of the immediate country side and the drop down into the valley way below and the Rangitikei River. We then showed them a view of our 356 acre farm and the native bush and river. They had Lunch with us and took a look at some of the native trees we have, then we took a car journey 1 hour to the west coast. I have a little hut at Himatangi Beach which they paid a visit too. We went on the beach at sunset which was magnificent with all the pink clouds in the darkening sky. They could see Mt Taranaki poking out of the sea as the sun set. They could also see the top of the South Island from the Beach. From there we motored back to Palmerston North and had magnificent Dinner at a Restaurant which serves every kind of sea food, plus all the soups, meats, breads, vegetables, desert etc that you can think of. Both boys are putting on weight. Guglielmo loves our beef and our butter. Leander tries everything. We enjoy discussing Italy and their interests and family history. We discussed the war and battles that NZ was involved in. They speak so well and have such a knowledge of history, although they did not know that NZers  had been in Italy helping to drive out the Germans in WWII.  No doubt because that happened so long ago, they do not know about it. However, all NZ boys know about it because of the fact that so many men in their families were lost in battle. 
Tomorrow the boys will have a day of rest. Tuesday, they may attend the Lions versus Manawatu Rugby Match in Palmerston North. Wednesday and Thursday they will be in Rotorua. Friday they will be Farewelled. Saturday they fly home and on your Tuesday 5th at 9.25a.m. they will meet us at the Florence Airport. The whole exchange has been so wonderful. All of us love the boys and enjoy every moment with them.
How wonderful to read that your son may come next year to us. That would be so wonderful.  I am sure he would match with Jason Tahi perfectly. Jason is the boy who lives at the end of Lake Taupo, at Turangi, and who skis on the mountain and does horse trekking.  He is a very clever, diligent, model student who smiles at me every day although I don't teach him this year. His mother is already to have a student stay with her. Ihaka (Isaac) Waerea is the other student ready for an exchange. He comes from the East Coast, near Napier. That would be such an interesting place for an Italian boy to enjoy too. Vineyards, beaches, performing dolphins, Marineland, Gannet Colony,  etc
Nice warm climate. 
At the moment at 11p.m. at night the temperature here is 1 degree Celsius!!. It is freezing.
Looking forward so much to our time in Italy and to meeting you and your wife and children, and the Bultz and Torelli families.
Guglielmo received a Text message on his cellphone as we were eating in the Restaurant. How amazing to be able to reply to his Father instantly. Wish the Father could have seen him eating such a variety of NZ food.  The boys are definitely not missing their families or home. They seem to love us as if we are their family.
We feel the same way about them both. Such LOVELY BOYS!!!!
See you soon.
Rosalyn and Jim.

FAREWELL.   2nd July, 2005
Leander and Guglielmo fly home today The weather is absolutely perfect. The sky is blue as far as one can see. They will have a wonderful view of the top of the south island and the west coast of the north island as they fly across the Tasman sea to Sydney, Australia. They will see Mt Taranaki with its snow capped top, they will see into the Sounds (fjords) of the south island and then they will be away out at sea and NZ will be left behind in the south Pacific.
We had a wonderful Farewell for them in the Staff Room and in Chapel yesterday. Leander spoke so well, and Guglielmo spoke
so well too in the Staff Room.  Everyone has loved the boys and given them their hearts and their time and made everything so pleasurable for them. The Exchange has been 100% successful. Leander said in his speech that he hoped that the Exchange between the two countries would last forever. Everyone was touched by his comments on our friendliness and the beauty of New Zealand.  We miss them already!!
Paolo, we shall see your wife, or the Bulst or Torelli families at the Florence Airport on 5th July at 9.30a.m.  Both boys said most definitely they would be there to rescue me!! ( laughing!).
Leander recorded on Video Tape, the correct pronunciation of all the Italian Music Terms and Dynamics for all Grades from Grade 1 to 5 for me yesterday. That will be such a wonderful teaching aid for me. I appreciate it so much. You can see here attached a nice article on the visit of Guglielmo e Leander which appeared on the local paper the Feilding Herald
We attended our Grand daughters first School Concert last night, She was so cute and had 3 changes of costumes. She knew all her moves and actions and we loved seeing her perform so much. It is wonderful to have little grand children.
Thank you Paolo for all the part you have played in making all of this Exchange so wonderful. We could not have done any of it without your cooperation and thoughtful planning. Thank you from everyone at Hato Paora College.
What is the temperature today ?
See you soon.
23rd July 2005
Arrived safely in Singapore. Huge delay at Frankfurt, Germany. 4 hours waiting. Finally left at 3.30a.m.!! Stressful for Mothers with young children. Plane from Florence was also late arriving at Frankfurt. Ryan had to RUN!! to catch the -plane to England. We went up as far as we could go, but he'd gone through Customs, so never saw him again. Do trust he is safe in London!! We fly to Auckland in 3 1/2 hours time. Singapore is quiet because it is Sunday.
Do hope to see you at the Airport Erin. We transfer from International to Domestic, from Singapore flight to AIR NZ . Are they on strike ?? someone says they are!! Whatever next to adjust too.
Thank you so much Paolo and Christina for the wonderful time you gave us, every day. So unbelievable. Loved every moment with you. Love to your children too.
Kindest regards and love to everyone from
Rosalyn, Jim and Hona in Singapore.

25th July letter from Rosalyn after spending 17 days in the Mugello with husband Jim + Ryan Baker and Hona Black. Jim and Rosalyn were hosted for a few days at Paolo Badiali's house in Barberino then moved to the beautiful farm holiday resort of agriturismo Corzano run by the wonderful hostess Laura Lenzi
Hello Paolo
It was so good to hear your voice again. I was calling out "Hello" when you called the first time, but some how the call didn't go through. Alec will email you re the Agricultural Video Conference Broadcast. Chris Morgan and his wife Maree, are very keen to come with me to Italy next year and visit England at the same time. Perhaps take the plane to London, spend a few days there ( we have relatives in London), then train to Paris for few days, the train to Florence. That is Chris's idea at the moment.  Chris and Maree will be happy to board Caesar.
I had to speak in Assembly at School, and received lots of claps. The boys laughed a lot when I described Ian's appearance in Barbarino e.g. the beard and French cap. He bought me a lovely pen with "W A Mozart" engraved on it, and pictures of music wrapped around the pen.
I gave him one of the little calendars of Florence. Ian wants to go back and do other countries in about 4 years time.
I have 1 volunteer for the 2007 year already!
School is so busy. The time table changed twice in 3 days!! Can you believe it!!!! We have 2 new teachers. The NZ Finals of the Choral competitions are in Palmerston North this year, and a small group of our boys have to sing at the Opening Ceremony and following the Mayor's speech!! then I have a VC into Malaysia, then the Piano Examinations! really busy.
We had a nice day in Singapore and a lovely flight home. Hona was counting the hours as we neared NZ. We flew right over the
centre of Australia. It isn't as cold as expected in NZ at present.
Jim will get on a edit some video for you. We love looking at the video but it makes us miss you all. We still can see all the familiar scenes that were around us during the 2 weeks at Corzano. If you see Laura, give her our Love, and tell her we think of her often and have recommended her place as being "Over the Top" place to stay.  Means wonderful, fantastic, marvellous, unbelievable etc.
Have a great time in Ireland and with Manuel on his pilgrimage.
I hope his leg is continuing to mend well.
Say Hello to Anna, Carmen, Alexandra and Deborah from us too. Thank Christina again for all her wonderful cooking and hospitality. Thank YOU again for EVERYTHING. You made our holiday so remarkable and so rememberable. You MADE IT!!
All the Staff keep asking me about it all. Thank you again.
Rosalyn and Jim.

3rd August 2005: covering visit to Italy through videos

arrival at Peretola Airport on 5th July 2005  visit to Rome on 10th July 2005