Feilding, 22-10-08
Ciao Paolo,
I love my videos so much. Great to see us at the Farewell Dinner! such a happy party that was. Love the trip from Siena to San Gimignano. Was so beautiful and so fascinating. Love my purchases. Love all the memories. I can't believe we did so much.
Have been so busy since returning. It is the 6Oth Jubilee of HPC. We had the House Competitions in Kapahaka on Friday night in the big Regent Theatre in Palmerston North.  Hona Black won almost all sections. He had trained our House so meticulously and won the Overall Trophy. He wore a pure cloak of Kiwi Feathers. His father is Professor Maori at Massey University so I suppose that helps matters. We will miss Hona so much when he leaves at the end of the year.  Likewise Te Pau Mariu, whom you met in May, did so well with his House. I had to video all houses as they performed. Was really a stunning evening of Maori Culture.  Arianna came over from Turakina so I was able to give her copies of my videos and she is giving me copies of her photos.
I know that Suzanna, Evelyn and one other Mother (think it is Antonio's Mother) promised total of 4 beds for our boys next year. Mary doesn't know which girls will go.
Adults going will be Ian Smith again; Sherra Lee again and her excellent husband Wiremu Tamaki, plus myself. We can pay for our selves at La Ripa or what ever parents decide.  All of us are on fire to go again. We are so addicted!!!
We know you are sending us Phillipo, Matteo and Deborah and 1 other girl if the cost of air fares isn't too dear.
We did have a marvellous time in Rome. Took the two storied bus and wore Headphones so we could listen to the excellent commentary. It was so amzing to be in St Peter's Square when the Pope came out at noon to bless the thousands. Was wonderful!!!
Mary and I went into St Peters but the girls couldn't stand the long wait in the queue so went for a bite of food and waited for us.  We had a very nice hotel in Rome at a much cheaper cost than Trevi. Did you see in the paper that someone put red dye into the fountain. How absurd!! We did not see that event!
We had a very long flight home. Rome to Dubai, to Singapore, to Brisbane to Auckland, to Palmerston North. It is SO FAR.... however getting to Italy and getting home is so worth it, that we have to put up with the long haul. The meals on Emirates are wonderful and the Air Hostesses are so beautiful!
I hope all your family are well. Again I thank you a million times for all your kindness and generosity to us. All the things you think of  to show me, thrill me so much. Cinque Terre was just fantastic. That trip of the country roads from Siena was so beautiful with the walled cities etc. Florence, Ponte Vecchio, San Miniato, the Monastery high in the hills, the campervan trip to Assisi, Perugia and Gubbio etc etc were all just unbelievable with charm.  I must have Roman genes!!!  Loved sitting in the St Mark's Square, Venice. (Jim loved the Video of bought him of Venice). Mary and I sat drinking orange juice and listening to the Grand Piano, violin, clarinet etc and not caring ( for once!) how much money we were spending!!! 
Mary's swollen legs have returned to normal. Jim is making you some video clips for your www site. Can you give me the link so I can look at the latest site.  If Manuel or Carmen ever change their minds about coming, just pay air fare and I will look after them myself here.
We send our love and best wishes to your students and to all the families who contributed to making our trip an ever lasting memory in all our minds. We remember Aldo making Capuccino with chocolate hearts drawn in the coffee, every breakfast time!! We remember Suzanna taking us to the ancient Chemist shop and buying us such beautiful pot pourri. We remember all the fantastic Dinner Parties, and Lunches we had. We remember walking with Marco along the Cinque Terre..... It is all enough to pull our heart strings to breaking point just thinking about it all!!  
We look forward to having this Exchange with you, forever.