Mrs Aekaterini Spentzari
Headteacher of Vartholomio High School

Dear colleagues, students, town councillors and parents,


We are pleased to have you here with us today.


The materialization of programmes such as the European exchange ones contributes to the universal notion of communication among children of different nations and the notions of co‑operation, friendship, love, democracy and solidarity.


In addition, since the classic era our history has turned these nations into acts. The classical grandeur created the philosophical ideas of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.


It created the classical art with the characteristics of metre and harmony. An unrivalled token of the classical art is the Parthenon and the statues of Pheidias. During the same era tragic poetry emerged through the masterpieces of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Eurypides with classic ideas which present the model for the perfect human character which aims at the improvement of mind and body. The ideas of democracy and human diqnity find the suitable place and develop in the classical Athens during the golden age of Pericles. Mind add body are in perfect harmony. Language serves man, Noble views and ideas put in the margin and condemn inferior feelings. All the aforementioned are channelled into Our culture and educational system and as they are united with the spirit of modern times. they aim at educating the young as well as transforming them psychologically and mentally.


On the other hand, the Renaissance which takes place in Italy since 1450 gives a fresh impetus to human civilization.

 The feudal structures are replaced by the urban capitalistic class. There is a new spirit in art. life and man. Rome, Florence and Mile, are cities with a new perception Of life. Artists with rich education such , Michelangelo create art intact in time and worth of admiration throughout time. It is art which educates, believes in man, helps and refreshes man. It is art which takes principles from the classical time and changes them into new ideas that harmonize with the spirit of that time.


Gazing upon the civilization of our ancestors we feel admiration and we are imbued with their culture without our being impassive recipients, As the young children, the European students live in a multi‑cultural reality, they learn to perceive the particular elements of their nations as well as respect cultural elements of other nations.


In these modern times of technology our countries are developed. Italy is the country of industry. It is the country which is based on its precious past and which also creates a significant present in Europe. It is the country of music, art and fashion.


Nowadays education has the power to support the past and create the new present.


Children of Italy and Greece, you are the expectation of our countries for our future: Students of Liceo Giotto Ulivi, we believe that during these few days you will have the opportunity to come into contact with the Greek spirit, the Greek hospitality, the Greek civilization and the beauty of the Greek nature

Mrs Aekaterini Spentzari
Headteacher of Vartholomio High School