diario australiano

diary: 17-25 December 2001
I'm Julia, Australian girl and 16. I arrived in Italy on the 17 December and I'm staying in Sandra Berti's house in Campomigliaio, 15 minutes from Borgo San Lorenzo. The trip from Sydney was terrible, I was travelling alone for 23 hours so it was boring and lonely, there was a stopover in Singapore for 3 hours and in Rome for an hour. My advice would be  not to travel alone, ever.
I'm attending school with Sandra, in class 5G. In Australia I attend a private, catholic school which is very strict with a uniform and a lot of rules. School in Italy couldn't be more different, I found it surprising that everyone smoked between classes (even the teachers) and the amount of graffiti on the walls outside was also a surprise.


I don't find it a bad thing, just different, and a bit crazy.

Driving and road rules are also very different, in Australia when there

are people crossing the road at the strisce the cars stop, apparently
not in Italy...also in Australia we drive on the left side of the road
which led to a bit of confusion.
Food. Basically, there is a lot more of it. We eat much lighter meals
and dinner is usually around 1900 or sometimes earlier. Lunch is much less formal, only a sandwhich or panino at school, because school finishes at 15.15 in Australia.

proprio dall'altra parte del mondo! Ecco la simpatica divisa delle studentesse. sopra lo stemma con il motto cristiano rigorosamente in latino

The weather. I have never been this cold in my life. Even in winter it
doesn't get this cold.
There are a lot more apartments in Italy, we have bigger houses,
with carpet.
I'll let you know more in a few days!

Diary 26th Dec. 2001 St. Stephen or Boxing Day

Ciao a tutti!!
My last entry was basically first impressions...Domenica (23) Sandra ed Io siamo andate a Firenze. Siamo andate a
Duomo, Uffizi, Ponte Vecchio, Piazza Signoria, Piazza della Republica e

La musica ha un riolo di rilievo alla loreto Normanhurst. Sotto la quintessenza della concentrazione. La scuola offre momenti e spazi per lo studio individuale

mercatino San Lorenzo. Penso Firenze e' pił vecchio e le costruzioni sono grandissime. C'erano tante persone che facevano shopping per Natale. Penso e' una bella cittą. Per tornare a casa abbiamo preso il treno e per la prima volta ho visto nevicare, era molto bello.

Ho conosciuto gli amici di Sandra e siamo andati a qualche festa.
Per Natale abbiamo avuto un grande pranzo con la famiglia della Sandra.
Per Natale a Sydney abbiamo un buffet e mangiamo meno.
La mia vacanza sta andando bene spero solo che il tempo migliori.


Diary entry n°3 from Dec 25TH in the evening to 2nd Jan scritto a 4 mani da me e da Sandra Berti VG

The page with the diary on it won't come up, Ithink the last thing we wrote about was christmas so I'll start from there.
Christmas night we went to 2 pubs and Teen Club, which was a lot of fun. Sandra introduced me to a lot of people that she knew and we danced etc.etc. On Santo Stefano- or in Australia, Boxing Day, we had another huge lunch and that night we went out with some guys. Il giorno dopo, stranamente ,il sole splendeva, cosi' decidemmo di andare a pattinare sul ghiaccio a Firenze. It was very busy and the ice wasn't very good, but it was still fun. Anche se Sandra non sa pattinare molto bene...infatti ho dovuto trainarla per piu' di un'ora..!!!!!! On the 28th we went to Pisa with Erica- one of Sandra's friends. It took quite a while to get there but it was worth it. We payed £30 000 to climb the tower, all 294 steps. The view from the top was excellent. The other monuments surrounding the tower are also very beautiful.
The 30th was my birthday, The Bertis gave me a wonderful book on the Mugello region written in both italian and english, with many beautiful photos. Piera also made a huge cake. Tommy (il ragazzo della Sandra) came to visit in the afternoon and we went to the house of Elena, one of Sandra's friends.
For ultimo del'anno, we were meant to go to a party in Firenzuola but it was snowing so we couldn't go. Instead, we went to a party in Londa. I was the youngest there. We also went to Borgo San Lorenzo as the party wasn't that good.
On the 1st we slept until 12.30 and then went to Borgo San Lorenzo with Tommy, then the fuochi d'artificio sul Lago Di Bilancino, which were very nice, though it was a bit cold...
Last night (2nd) we went to a pub in Barberino called The Legend, I finally found a place that serves Bacardi Breezers. I paid in Lire and got my change in Euro...everyone is very excited about the new money, for me the Lire is stranger because it is all in hundreds and thousands, the Euro is more similar to our Dollar.
Today Sandra had a driving lesson, I came along in the car with her and her teacher, Pietro. She's not a bad driver...
Bye for now!

 Diary entry n°4 from Jan 6th to Jan 15th

yes, it's finally arrived....
I changed families on the 6th of Jan. And I'm now staying with the Giudotti's in Borgo San Lorenzo, a totally different scene to the Berti's. Irene has a younger brother (8) and a younger sister (14) so instead of being the youngest, as I was at Sandra's, I'm an older part of the family.
The day before I left Sandra's family (5th), I went with Sandra to Piazzale Michelangelo, the view was amazing, I've never seen anything like it. Looking over the whole of central Firenze and to the mountains in the background, the city is very flat with only the church towers and monuments sticking out among the roof tops.
On Saturday night (the 5th) Sandra, Valentina, Erica and I had dinner at Erica's house before going to Teen Club again. It was cheaper to get in this time. Overall, a lot of fun...
I'm now going to school with Irene in class 3C, which is very near to Sandra's, her class is a lot quieter...it also seems to be bigger. I still spend afternoons in Sandra's class so I'm getting a bit of both...On Tuesday(8th) I went to one of Professore Badiali's classes and spoke a bit about my school and Sydney.
Yesterday afternoon I went to an Italian course at the Scuola Media. The professoressa was helping me with verb tenses and pronunciation mostly, a bit of everything really. I think I'll go back again next  week.
Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to Florence with Irene and on Monday I'm going to have lunch at Sandra's.