Hi Rosalyn
Samuele logged on to his emails last night at home so I was able to read your
email last night. We picked up Antonio and Samuele up from Palmerston North
at Manaia's game unforturnately we could only stay to watch half of his game,
but at least we saw Manaia get a try in the first half. Manaia's team were
winning when we left but I don't know what the final ...oh by the way Whitiaua
Black (Hona Black's) brother was playing in the same team...it was great to
see him too. Then we travelled home to Wellington via Levin to dropped
Antonio off with Caleb, Sage and Caleb's dad - Jeffery.
We took Samuele for a drive through Wellington last night to pick up Kotuku
from work, then had a game of pool and then we went out for tea at a Chinese
Restaurant in Johnsonville. The same place that we took Guliamo and Leander
on Leander's birthday when they were here 2 years ago.
Yesterday Stefano, Antonio and Samuele talked about all the activities they
did with you...kayaking, riding on luge...according to the boys Stefano beat
them in all their races on the luge.
I'm not sure what the Matuku and Samuele are going to do today, I'm hoping
that Matuku will bring him into town for a walk...otherwise I'll take them out
tonight after work. We can take him to the Victoria Lookout point, the
Botanical Gardens via the Cable Car and they have been talking about going
swimming at the local pool today and or tomorrow.
Wednesday Caleb's family will drop Caleb and Antonio off with me and then I'll
take them through to Otaki to Manaia's whanau at Tanui Marae. Thanks to
Manaia's whanau they are going to help to prepare and cook a hangi and then
later than night we'll have dinner together, all 3 families...Lerm's,
Osborne's and the Tamaki's. Just like the families it Italy this will be the
first time that our 3 families will be together and give us an opportunity to
get to know each other.
Thursday the boys will come back to Wellington and then we will take them to
the Te Papa and maybe have lunch on the waterfront....there are no plans for
Friday or the weekend but I'm sure something will develop.
We'll I better do some work now...until next time
Arohanui kia a koutou katoa....na whanau tamaki