Well, Maria and the boys have survived their first 4 days at Loreto! I hope they
aren't too bored already! I know our students really appreciate their help in
our classes.The four have been a real asset in all the Italian classes when they
have been asked to help out. They have been very willing to help in whatever
capacity they were asked. I must say you prepared them very well - they have
brought so many useful resources- the brochures, songs, grammar cds, films etc.
They are really good, so many thanks from all of us here. I introduced the group
to both the Principal and Deputy Pricipal- it was very sweet of the students to
present a nice book to the Principal. I appreciated the nice book they gave me
I have taken a few photos so I will try to send them to you asap.
Ciao Paolo
Today was a cool but sunny day so hopefully Maria and the boys have enjoyed
their second day here as today was a public holiday. Tomorrow will be the
students' first day at Loreto- I will meet with them at recess to see how they
have all settled in with families and to remind them of school expectations.
I may consider allowing the 4 Italian students a day of sight-seeing/shopping in
the city on their own next week before the boys take off for NZ providing they
travel as a group - Samuele may really appreciate this as he is the one who
lives furthest on the Central Coast and hence may not get the same opportunities
to spend as much time in the city although he will see more of the coast/city
life north of Sydney.
I presume Maria has mentioned to her family that Julia is planning to take her
equestrian riding at some stage during her 4 weeks here- Julia's mother told me
they were organising special insurance to cover her riding here as required by
the equestrian club to which Julia belongs. Apparently Maria had told Julia she
too is interested in equestrian- I hope this is all OK with Maria's family!
Ciao Paolo,
> they arrived safe and sound and all looked in good spirits- the 4 host
families were there with me to meet the students. The girls were really looking
forward to their arrival despite the early hour! Luckily, there was a break in
the terrible weather we had been experiencing the past 3 days. The storms,
torrential rains and strong gusty winds caused great havoc in NSW and a state of
emergency/natural disaster was declared along the coastal areas(including
Sydney). Anyway, hopefully the worst is over and the students will be able to
enjoy our beautiful city - only last week we had days with temperatures as high
as 25 degrees - in winter!!
> I will write again later in the week - don't worry if the boys have forgotten
the originals- I think the signed faxed copies will cover them for the 10 days
that they are here.
> corina
salve prof!
Siamo arrivati. Domenica 10 giugno c'erano a prenderci
all'aereoporto le ragazze con le famiglie e la
prof.ssa Corina. Il viaggio e' stato lungo ma
Fa freddino, pero' e' molto divertente. Le lezioni di
italiano hanno avuto successo. Siamo sempre richiesti
nelle classi e sempre circondati da
Abbiamo incontrato anche la preside e le abbiamo dato
il libro del Mugello (come del resto anche alla
Corina). Le famiglie sono carine e ci trattano nel
migliore dei modi. Abbiamo visitato un po' Sydney e
dintorni nel fine settimana scorso, anche se nel
prossimo ci porteranno un po' a giro. Venerdi andremo
a sydney tutti insieme e visiteremo uno zoo con
canguri, koala, diavoli della tasmania e coccodrilli.
Faremo una sosta all'"Hard Rock Cafe'".
Il materiale preparato e' risultato molto utile e
gradito dalle insegnanti. La mattina, oltre a stare
nelle classi di italiano, seguiamo le lezioni delle
ragazze che ci ospitano.
Tanti saluti e ringraziamenti a lei per questa
esperienza unica.
Gli australomugellani
Maria, Samuele, Antonio e Stefano.