dal 10 giugno al 18 luglio 2011 si è svolto il tradizionale scambio individuale di studenti col Loreto Normanhurst College di Sydney Australia

gli studenti partecipanti sono: Duccio Milani 3C, Irene Giuliani, Martina Rossi e Sofia Pieri 1α  video partenza wmv - foto gallery

15 giugno 2011
Caro Professor Badiali,
Il viaggio è andato molto bene. Le famiglie ci hanno accolto calorosamente. A scuola ci troviamo abbastanza bene anche se è molto diversa.
Per quanto riguarda i compiti abbiamo consegnato i libri che aveva dato a Duccio alla professoressa Milner, che ci ha già assegnato un writing sui  primi giorni a Sydney. Al termine della prossima settimana, l’ultima di scuola, le invieremo un riassunto sulla nostra esperienza passata.
Ci stiamo già adoperando per le foto! Stasera  andiamo a mangiare Asiatico e faremo qualche foto. Duccio è stato portato a vedere una partita di rugby e ha fatto alcune foto! Cordiali saluti dall’ Australia
rene, Martina, Sofia, Duccio

Irene's writing task about the differences between Giotto Ulivi and Loreto Normanhurst
23 giugno 2011

·         During my stay in Austalia I have seen that the Austalian school system is very different to the Italian school system. I don't know if there are so many variances because Loreto is a private Catholic school as opposed to a secular public school. The most evident differences are that Australian students have to wear a uniform, they can't wear make-up or jewellery or wear their hair out. This school also has some quite rigid rules, for example people must not smoke at school.  All students at Loreto are separated into 8 different houses, Kuring-gai, Kendall, Maye, Mornane, Ward, Barry, Mulhall and Barry. Yesterday they elected a school captain and other captains for different tasks such as sport, music, performing arts etc. In my opinion all of these things are very weird because they don't happen in Italy, but for me the most intriguing part is the grading system.   In Italy we have two or three written tests every month and every day we may have an oral test for each subject. Here they don't have oral tests every day, they have some programmed tests, but not very often. Moreoever, in Italy if we don't have good marks we have to study in the summer and do an exam in September. If we don't pass the exam, even just in one subject, we have to repeat the same year. In this school you never have  to repeat the same year.   Another difference is in the curriculum, in fact they can choose which subjects to do,  they remain at school until a quarter past three and they change class and classmates every period , while in Italy we choose the school and the class  always remains the same. Generally we finish school earlier but we have to study much more at home.

Corina's letter about the Italian students 25 giugno 2011
Apparently, my earlier email with photos could not get through as it was "too big" due to photos. I will send the photos later in separate emails.
Apologies for not replying earlier but I have been without my computer at school for a couple of days now…
So today is the students’ last day of school and I can assure you that all four were wonderful in our classes. They were always willing to help out whenever asked, even when at times it meant repeating the same spiel 4 times due to so many classes at the same level!!
Irene left this morning to go with her host sister to the country and Duccio will be going to Newcastle this afternoon with his new host. I must say, Duccio, as the only boy, has been great as he takes everything in his stride and nothing fazes him. Martina will be going to Queensland with her host family - she is very fortunate! I think all 4 have made good progress in their spoken and written English as they have had to hand in a couple of tasks to me. I was able to give them 3 lessons as they attended school 7 days altogether. They were given a day to visit the city on their own.
The students have been asked to send you some work as well as photos.

2 luglio 2011
Mi sto trovando veramente bene con questa famiglia sono molto gentili e disponibili e mi aiutano molto con l'inglese,  rispondendo a tutte le mie domande.
Le due settimane di scuola sono state un po' stancanti ma molto interessanti. Trovo infatti che sia stata una grande opportunità quella di poter vivere dall' interno una realtà scolastica completamente diversa dalla nostra e ad essere sincera preferisco di gran lunga la scuola italiana, anche se più dura però fornisce allo studente una preparazione più completa.

Durante le vacanze stiamo visitando Sydney, la Golden coast e bellissime spiagge, alcune volte ci vediamo anche tra di noi eccetto Irene che sta a sei ore da Sydney.
Duccio ha speso qualche giorno sulla Golden Coast, Martina domani parte alla volta della stessa meta per una settimana, durante la quale prenderà lezioni di surf,Irene a escursioni in campagna e ha visto  i canguri allo stato brado e io il prossimo week-end andrò in campeggip nella foresta.

Durante l' ultiima settimana abbiamo in programma di andare a pattinare sul ghiaccio a Bondi, spiaggia meravigliosa e forse faremo anche il bagno nell' Oceano...

Saluti dall' Australia

ps: Irene dovrebbe averle inviato il writing e io le invierò altre foto!