1) 12 giugno

Hi Paolo,

The students arrived safely this morning - we were all there to meet them.  They all seemed in good spirits, smiling and happy. It is always nice to meet a happy group of students.
I took Francesco to my place for about an hour or so where he had some breakfast and then I drove him to his host family  at about 9 am.  I hope he likes big families as the Moussa's have 4 children (2 girls who go to Loreto and 2 boys including a 16 year old.)  plus there was an extra friend there who had stayed the night.( I think especially to meet him!)They were so excited to meet him.
He's settled in a nice suburb in a lovely spacious house. The parents were very welcoming and the mother was already warming up a snack for him so I am sure he will be well looked after. They are all mad World Cup soccer fans there at the moment and I know Francesco enjoys soccer as well.
I enjoyed chatting with him in the car and at my place - he seems quite mature with a positive attitude and his English is good!

anyway, I will try to send more photos of the group at school next week.
I have organised quite a few clases for them to visit, where they will work with small groups of students to converse, not just in my classes but with my 2 colleagues as well. I already have a timetable ready for them.
Later, I am thinking of asking them to prepare an activity on the World Cup soccer but I will play it by ear.
When do you begin your summer break?

2) 16 giugno

hi Paolo,

Well, the students have survived the first 4 days of school. I think they are finding our school system extremely different, no doubt far more rigid and conservative compared to what they are accustomed in Italy. I think the boys in particular this year are finding it more challenging, maybe because they are older. They are far more lively than past groups, particularly Andrea and Francesco. Saverio is mature and reliable and Antonio is enjoying the opportunity to play his guitar - he's quite talented.

All 7 have told me they are happy with their host families ( I hope this is truly the case). Federica was a little tearful the first day at school as I think she felt a little isolated because her family lives on the Central Coast so has to travel a little further to come to school. Her family is taking her to the Gold Coast in Queensland during the holidays so that should be fun for her( going there by car and then returning by plane!).  Federica seems happier now.
The three girls are lovely- very mature, sensible and cooperative. They're great!

I have tried to ring all host families - the ones I spoke to have said they are happy with their exchange students as they are polite at home etc so that is good.

well, that's it for now.


3) 19 giugno lettera da Francesco Scandaglini

Ciao professore
Volevo a nome di tutti tenerla informata della situazione qui
Tutto sta andando a gonfie vele
La scuola e' gratificante: da una parte quando insegniamo alle ragazze piu' piccole, e` per invogliarle a imparare l'italiano anche gli anni successivi, visto che qui puoi scegliere le materie da fare. Con le ragazze piu' esperte si conversa molto fluentemente...e' tutto un cantare e suonare la canzone del sole di Battisti, o le canzoni di Jovanotti, assistere alle lezioni di matematica (gia' difficile di suo, figurarsi in inglese). Le prof di italiano, corina e Signora Maltese, sono gentili e disponibili. Il pomeriggio e il weekend partecipiamo alla vita della famiglia, ma ci siamo incontrati anche oltre l'orario scolastico. Ora noi ragazzi andiamo alla partita di rugby della nazionale australiana a Sydney. A proposito, Sydney e' una citta' del futuro che si incontra con lo spirito di avventura dei primi navigatori inglesi che attraccarono qui. La zona intorno all`Opera House e' piena di pub e parchi, mentre il resto e' un campo di grattacieli, treni volanti e tunnel sottomarini.